B2B Analytics in the Airline Market: Harnessing the power of consumer big data

  • Sabrina Thornton (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


    This research utilizes market-level data to explore the relative performance of individual companies amongst defined competitors. We show the potential of using consumer clickstream data, which is an important type of big data, to create a new set of B2B analytical frameworks. In the markets where complex interactions between competitors, search intermediaries and consumers create a network, B2B relationships can be inferred from consumer search patterns, and can then be modelled to gauge the online performance of business organizations.
    A commercial dataset from ComScore’s US panel of one million users is used to illustrate a new approach to measure and evaluate the online performance of competitors in the US airline market. This research makes theoretical and empirical contributions to the debate on the use of big data for B2B market analytics.
    Period6 Nov 2019
    Event titleHuman-Based Analytics and AI for Business and Social Science: ESRC Festival of Social Science 2019
    Event typeSeminar
    LocationManchester, United KingdomShow on map