Bi-Texting your food: Helping the gastro industry reach the global market

  • Rosa Rabadán (Speaker)
  • Hugo Sanjurjo Gonzalez (Speaker)
  • Veronica Colwell (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesOral presentation


    The technologization of cross-linguistic communication and the expansion of the learning of foreign languages has helped create new, non- linguist users. Corpus-based applications offer a way of responding to these new challenges. This presentation focuses on the design and building process of the BiTeX bi-writing app. The starting point is a custom made, rhetorically and POS annotated, En-Es comparable corpus of recipes containing 135,912 words in the En and 145,449 in the Es subcorpus respectively. The BiText prototype has been developed using MongoDB, Express, Node.js and jQuery, providing a fast and efficient architecture for data-intensive treatment for real time applications. BiTeX aims at helping improve international communication in the restaurant and catering community, as well as boosting collateral business niches including recipe books, tourist-oriented websites, etc.
    Period2 Mar 2016
    Event title8th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics: Academia Meets Business: Corpus Studies in Language Industry and Computational Linguistics Applications
    Event typeConference
    Conference number8th
    LocationMálaga, SpainShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionInternational