Modelling an End to End Supply Chain system Using Simulation

  • Barbara Chilmon (Speaker)
  • Nicoleta Tipi (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesOral presentation


    Within the current uncertain environment industries are predominantly faced with various challenges
    resulting in greater need for skilled management and adequate technique as well as tools to manage
    Supply Chains (SC) efficiently. Derived from this observation is the need to develop a generic/reusable
    modelling framework that would allow firms to analyse their operational performance over time (Mackulak
    and Lawrence 1998, Beamon and Chen 2001, Petrovic 2001, Lau et al. 2008, Khilwani et al. 2011, Cigollini et
    al. 2014). However for this to be effectively managed the simulation modelling efforts should be directed
    towards identifying the scope of the SC and the key processes performed between players.
    Purpose: The research attempts to analyse trends in the field of supply chain modelling using simulation
    and provide directions for future research by reviewing existing Operations Research/Operations
    Management (OR/OM) literature. Structural and operational complexities as well as different business
    processes within various industries are often limiting factors during modelling efforts. Successively, this
    calls for the end to end (E2E) SC modelling framework where the generic processes, related policies and techniques could be captured and supported by the powerful capabilities of simulation.
    Research Approach: Following Mitroff’s (1974) scientific inquiry model and Sargent (2011) this research will adopt simulation methodology and focus on systematic literature review in order to establish generic OR processes and differentiate them from those which are specific to certain industries. The aim of the research is provide a clear and informed overview of the existing literature in the area of supply chain simulation. Therefore through a profound examination of the selected studies a conceptual model will be design based on the selection of the most commonly used SC Processes and simulation techniques used
    within those processes. The description of individual elements that make up SC processes (Hermann and Pundoor 2006) will be defined using building blocks, which are also known as Process Categories.
    Findings and Originality: This paper presents an E2E SC simulation conceptual model realised through means of systematic literature review. Practitioners have adopted the term E2E SC while this is not extensively featured within academic literature. The existing SC studies lack generality in regards to capturing the entire SC within one methodological framework, which this study aims to address.
    Research Impact: A systematic review of the supply chain and simulation literature takes an integrated and holistic assessment of an E2E SC, from market-demand scenarios through order management and planning processes, and on to manufacturing and physical distribution. Thus by providing significant advances in understanding of the theory, methods used and applicability of supply chain simulation, this paper will further develop a body of knowledge within this subject area.
    Practical Impact: The paper will empower practitioners’ knowledge and understanding of the supply chain processes characteristics that can be modelled using simulation. Moreover it will facilitate a selection of specific data required for the simulation in accordance to the individual needs of the industry.
    Period3 Sep 2014
    Event titleLogistics Research Network and PhD Workshop
    Event typeConference
    LocationHuddersfield, United KingdomShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionNational