Teaching and Research use of the Victoria Climbié Corpus: Launch of the Victoria Climbié Corpus Website and Project

  • Graham Gibbs (Participant)
  • Dawn Clarke (Participant)
  • Christopher J Hall (Participant)
  • Graham Stone (Participant)
  • Antony Osborne (Participant)

Activity: Other activity typesOther


Learning about missed opportunities in child protection: using the Victoria Climbié Inquiry data corpus online in research-based teaching.

This event launched and demonstrated the learning and research resources created from the Climbié data corpus http://victoriaclimbie.hud.ac.uk/learning.html . The online corpus includes all the transcriptions from the 68 days of oral evidence made available to the project by the Department of Education and Skills and testimony from 168 witnesses . The Climbié Corpus project have created a mechanism for extracting relevant subsets of this otherwise huge data set. The focus of this workshop was on how to use these open access learning resources with guidance and context from the two project leaders.
PeriodApr 2010