The Role of Sequences of Interactions on Cross-Cultural Inter-Team and Intra-Team Negotiations

  • Cheryl Dowie (Speaker)
  • De Mattos, C. (Contributor to Paper or Presentation)
  • Oscar De Bruijn (Contributor to Paper or Presentation)

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesOral presentation


    Many studies show the lack of cross-cultural competence to be a reason for international business failures. The practice of effective communication will help reduce conflict and potentially increase the number o
    opportunities for international business. Studies in social sciences have not fully scrutinised the dynamics of face-to-face negotiations, in particular the behavioural dynamics that may generate negative effects on such interactions. The Bales IPA model (1950) is adapted in this study to analyse behavioural patterns in group negotiations. This working paper aims at identifying sequences of interaction that determine the relative impact on the negotiation process, discusses the relevant frameworks in order to develop a conceptual model primarily based on the literature and suggests suitable research methods. In due course, this study will enable the researcher to unveil implications and provide recommendations for negotiations across cultures in general and for cross-border negotiations in particular.
    Period29 Jun 2015
    Event title57th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business: Global Networks: Organizations and People
    Event typeConference
    Conference number57
    LocationBengaluru, IndiaShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionInternational