UN Climate Change Conference (COP26)

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipating in a conference, workshop, ...


The award-winning Life-Saving Lullabies Project (see HudCRES Newsletter issue 9, Nov 2020), funded by the UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund, featured as part of the Resilience Hub at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow.

Home of Race to Resilience at COP26, the Resilience Hub programme of Arts, Culture and Heritage events, showcased opportunities for arts-based methods to facilitate and support net zero research.

Principal Investigator Dr David Swann, Professor in Design at Sheffield Hallam University, introduced the Life-Saving Lullabies project’s novel and sustainable approach to reducing maternal and child mortality in Zambia as part of a session exploring the potential for arts, culture, and heritage to tackle gender and diversity in climate resilience and adaptation. Co-investigator Dr Jim Reid (HudCRES) responded to questions online.

“Sustainability is at the heart of the Life-saving Lullabies project and being asked to discuss our project at COP26 is recognition for the hard work of our partners and the benefits of designing interventions that are built on local knowledge, skills and talent”.

The international collaboration also includes co-investigator Dr Barry Doyle from the University of Huddersfield, Morrice Muteba, National Co-ordinator for St John Zambia, Tony Kawimbe and Chloe George from Ufulu Studios
Period9 Nov 2021
Event typeConference
LocationGlasgow, United KingdomShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational