Dr Liam Curran from Huddersfield University led the way in supporting the Group to understand the challenges faced by SIOs; his research aimed to understand the stressors and challenges involved, assess the impact of organisational and operational stressors, and understand how SIOs cope with the stressors outlined
“Our research has shown that around 10% of SIOs are dealing with PTSD or Complex-PTSD, nearly a quarter dealing with clinical levels of depression, and over 15% dealing with anxiety,” said Dr Curran.
The top five rated stressors are: staff shortages; lack of resources; excessive administrative duties; bureaucratic red tape; and, feeling like you are always on the job.
“Our research has shown these are structural issues, and we need to be working to modify structures and processes, and not blaming the individual for failing to cope in that environment,” continued Dr Curran.
“Whilst an individual SIOs ability to cope is of course massively important, we need to make sure the balance is right. What was consistent – and a massive positive – was the sense of justice felt by SIOs at getting those good results from investigations, which go towards protecting communities, and supporting victims and families at their lowest.”