University of Huddersfield Collaborates with Australian Firm for Scientific Research

  • Jason Camp
  • Thomas Bousfield

Press/Media: Research


University of Huddersfield scientist Dr Jason Camp is investigating the potential of a non-toxic, environmentally sustainable solvent produced from waste cellulose that promises to be a greener way to produce a wide range of medicines and other products. The project has also offered an exceptional opportunity for some of his most talented students to take part in cutting edge, published research.


At his University of Huddersfield lab, Dr Camp has achieved impressive results that are described in a new article (DOI: 10.1039/C7GC00908A) published by the leading journal Green Chemistry, described as “the home of cutting-edge research on the development of alternative sustainable technologies”.

Period8 Jun 2017 → 14 Jun 2017

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleUniversity of Huddersfield collaborates with Australian firm for scientific research
    Media name/outletHealth Medicine Network
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionUniversity of Huddersfield scientist Dr Jason Camp is investigating the potential of a non-toxic, environmentally sustainable solvent produced from waste cellulose that promises to be a greener way to produce a wide range of medicines and other products. The project has also offered an exceptional opportunity for some of his most talented students to take part in cutting edge, published research.
    PersonsJason Camp, Thomas Bousfield
  • TitleUni Collaborates With Australian Firm For Scientific Research
    Media name/outletPublic Now
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionUniversity of Huddersfield scientist Dr Jason Camp(pictured right) is investigating the potential of a non-toxic, environmentally sustainable solvent produced from waste cellulose that promises to be a greener way to produce a wide range of medicines and other products. The project has also offered an exceptional opportunity for some of his most talented students to take part in cutting edge, published research.
    PersonsJason Camp