Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Volume without sparks, part two Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Australian Broadcast Corporation, Radio National (ABC RN) Media type Radio Duration/Length/Size 1 hour Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 17/04/15 Description Since day dot we've been hunting for ways to improve on shouting, from the earliest human communication to the smartphone. Our drive to turn up the volume has helped shape a noisy, plugged-in world where it can be hard to remember the analogue building blocks of modern technology.
Volume without Sparks, by radio maker and RN sound engineer, Timothy Nicastri, is a how-to radio manual for amplifying sound without electricity. Nicastri works backwards from a smartphone speaker to the days of ancient Greek theatre and Stonehenge, landing on phenomenon such as sound powered telephones and the human microphone, along the way.
Volume without Sparks is a two-part program that begins on our sister show Radiotonic and ends here on Soundproof, ultimately arriving at the question: are volume and sparks inseparable? The program was made for ABC Radio’s Tony Barrell fellowship, which honours the curious spirit of one of the ABC’s great program makers.Producer/Author Timothy Nicastri URL Persons Rupert Till