West Yorkshire Police Team Up With Students To Combat Doorstep Crime

  • Rachel Armitage

Press/Media: Public Engagement Activities


West Yorkshire Police teamed up with students from the University of Huddersfield to come up with ideas on how to combat doorstep crime. 

Prototypes were created by Product Design students and were aimed at preventing bogus doorstep callers from targeting vulnerable members of the public.  

The ideas included; a discreet detachable handrail, which would make it harder for doorstep criminals to spot a potential target, a visitor reminder device, which would remind and prompt a vulnerable adult when family, friends and carers are due to visit, as well as a range of door-chain alternatives and automatic / keyless door locking systems. 


Professor Rachel Armitage, Director of Secure Societies Institute at the University of Huddersfield, said: "The design challenge is an extremely exciting opportunity for the Product Design students.

"Not only do they get to hear about a specific crime problem directly from West Yorkshire Police, they also get to pitch their ideas to a panel of partners ranging from Victim Support to Trading Standards, knowing that there is every possibility that these products will be taken from concept to reality.

Period1 May 2017

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