Ice Tracker data of Arctic sea ice during the MOSAiC expedition 2020-2021



    20 Ice Trackers were deployed at the MOSAiC drifting site. The deployment of the trackers was made from the helicopter onboard RV Polarstern during Leg 5 of the expedition. The data contain the GPS positioning of the trackers (and the motion of the ice on which the trackers were deployed). The data record starts from early September 2020 and lasted until July 2021 for the longest-surviving trackers. The trackers started their drift near the North Pole and move to the south through the Fram Strait. The deployment of the trackers was done in collaboration with the MOSAiC ice team. This work was funded by NERC MOSAiC program NE/S002545/1.
    Date made available2022
    PublisherNERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre
    Date of data production2 Sep 2020 - 16 Jul 2021
    Geographical coverageArctic Ocean
    Geospatial polygon75.0, 120.0, 90.0, -30.0

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