Raw GNSS/INS buoy data during the MOSAiC expedition 2019-2020



    This dataset contains the raw data from GNSS/INS (Global Navigation Satellite System/Inertial Navigation System) buoys deployed during the 2019-2020 MOSAiC expedition. These buoys recorded the data from GNSS and Sensors. The raw GNSS data contain time, latitude, longitude, velocity, and fix type. The raw Sensors data contain time, acceleration, gyroscope, magnetometer, and temperature. These data were sampled at 10 Hz. The original data was in ANPP format (see advancednavigation.com/), which have been converted to structured ASCII formats (such as RINEX, CSV) using Spatial Manager software. The buoys were assembled by the University of Huddersfield team and the deployment was done by the MOSAiC ice team throughout the expedition. This work was funded by NERC MOSAiC program NE/S002545/1.
    Date made available2023
    PublisherNERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre
    Date of data production22 Nov 2019 - 14 Sep 2020
    Geographical coverageArctic Ocean
    Geospatial polygon75.0, 120.0, 90.0, -30.0

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