Projects per year
- 17 Finished
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SPHERE: A Sensor Platform for HEalthcare in a Residential Environment
Antoniou, G. & Bargiannis, G.
1/10/15 → 30/09/16
Project: Research
CANEM II: Central Asian Network of Economics and Management: CANEM II
1/09/14 → 30/09/16
Project: Enterprise
Centre for Biominetic Societal Futures
Towns-Andrews, L., Kusev, P., Kara, A., Herath, D., Validi, S., Jabbar, A., Nikitas, A., Roper, S., Ginger, M., Phillips, R., Du, C., Amaratunga, D., Haigh, R., Murphy, A., Hill, R., Parkinson, S., Johnson, A., Bryan, H., Thomas, P., McIntyre, D., Jeffries, L., Bailey, R., Townsley, J., Unver, E., Goswami, P., Roach, J., Grimm, V., Worley, C., Siebers, P., Bardone, E., Madsen, J. K., Neumann, M., Seri, R., Durrant, R., Wortley, R., Sidebottom, A., Ekblom, P., Pease, K., Taylor, M., Silke, A., Dewandre, N. & Hemachandra, K.
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
Conceptualizing Informality as a source of Sustainable Success and Competitive Advantage in Ethnic Minority Micro-businesses
Haq, M.
1/01/21 → 31/01/22
Project: Research
Creating Change: A collaborative action inquiry approach for integrating creativity and community assets into ICS responses to Health Disparities
Percy-Smith, B., Towns-Andrews, L., Bailey, R., Stenberg, N., Doyle, M., Harris, E. & Booth-Kurpnieks, C.
21/10/22 → 20/07/23
Project: Research
Kirklees Partnership Bid Pilot research project into physical activity and long term condition management in Kirklees.
Stenberg, N. & Smith, J.
31/10/19 → 31/10/20
Project: Research
MIREL: MIning and REasoning with Legal texts
Antoniou, G., Vallati, M., Tachmazidis, I., Mantle, M. & Bargiannis, G.
1/01/16 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
PICEM: Partnership for Innovation of Exact Supporting Courses in Economics and Management Study Programmes
1/12/20 → 30/11/23
Project: Enterprise
Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries
1/08/20 → 31/07/23
Project: Enterprise
SHARPEN: SMEs Human resource attraction, retention and performance enhancement network
Davies, J., Emsell, P., Kevill, A., Herath, D. & Anchor, J.
1/09/16 → 31/08/19
Project: Research
The perceptions of corporate managers on dividend policy in the UK: Evidence from London Stock Exchange firms
31/08/20 → 29/08/24
Project: Research
To Create and Embed New Business Processes to Enhance the Supply Chain Integration
Bamford, D.
5/02/15 → 1/11/17
Project: Research
To increase business performance and growth through the development and implementation of a partner marketing membership offer/industry body to share best practice and deliver academically-informed improved products and services.
Bettany, S., Stenberg, N. & Bamford, J.
3/01/22 → 2/01/24
Project: Research
To Transfer and Implement Agility System Tools and Techniques to Realise Ambitious, Business Critical, Lead Time Reduction
Dehe, B.
14/07/15 → 30/09/17
Project: Research