Activities per year
- 11 results
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Analysing mutual surveillance practices during long-term kidnapping situations: the case of jungle kidnapping camps in Colombia
Camilo Tamayo Gomez (Speaker)
24 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Políticas de dignificación en Perú y Colombia
Camilo Tamayo Gomez (Speaker)
8 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
'Geographies of stigmatization' in Colombia: social regulation, repertoires of violence, and victims' dignity
Camilo Tamayo Gomez (Speaker)
29 Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Narrativas transmedia para la movilización social
Camilo Tamayo Gomez (Speaker)
27 Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Infobesity, hyper information and other pandemics
Dan Hassler-Forest (Keynote speaker) & Camilo Tamayo Gomez (Keynote speaker)
7 Sep 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Conversatorio "CÍNTURONES DE FUEGO: COLOMBIA, CHILE Y ECUADOR: resonancias, encuentros y desencuentros en el marco de las protestas y marchas 2019-2021"
Camilo Tamayo Gomez (Speaker)
11 Jun 2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Eternal Maradona. Understanding Maradona from a Social Science perspective
Camilo Tamayo Gomez (Speaker)
15 Dec 2020Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Catedra FLIP - EAFIT Comunicación, política y libertad de prensa
Juan Camilo Maldonado (Speaker), Federico Arango (Speaker), Jonathan Bock (Speaker), Juliana Gonzalez (Speaker) & Camilo Tamayo Gomez (Speaker)
21 Apr 2017Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Catedra FLIP - EAFIT Comunicación, política y libertad de prensa
Jonathan Bock (Speaker), Sebastian Salamanca (Speaker) & Camilo Tamayo Gomez (Speaker)
17 Feb 2017Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Cátedra Antonio Nariño Libertad De Expresión
Carlos Eduardo Huertas (Speaker), Juan Gonzalo Betancur (Speaker) & Camilo Tamayo Gomez (Speaker)
23 Aug 2016Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Ciudadanías en resistencia. Memoria, política y comunicación
Camilo Tamayo Gomez (Speaker)
16 May 2016Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk