6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Hayley Bullard with the persons below:
Qihai Huang
- Huddersfield Business School - Professor and School Strategic Lead Research
- School of Business, Education and Law
- Centre for Sustainability, Responsibility, Governance and Ethics
Person: Academic
Fikret Bilenkisi
- Huddersfield Business School - Lecturer
- School of Business, Education and Law
- Northern Productivity Hub - Member
Person: Academic
Julian White
- Department of Education - Senior Lecturer
- School of Business, Education and Law
Person: Academic
Veronica Vienne Arancibia
- Huddersfield Business School - Lecturer in Economics
- School of Business, Education and Law
Person: Academic
Kikelomo Kila
- Law School - Senior Lecturer in Law
- School of Business, Education and Law
- Centre for Law, Environment and Rights CLEAR - Member
Person: Academic