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32 from 5,360 citations 

Last updated 17th April 2024


I graduated in Natural Sciences (Laurea, MSc equivalent) from the University of Sassari, Italy, in 2003 (final Mark 110/110 cum laude).

In 2003 I moved to the Molecular Genetics Institute, CNR of Pavia, Italy, where I worked for one year as a research assistant under the supervision of Prof. L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza on the project “Creation of a cell line bank of the Italian population”.

On January 2008 I obtained my Ph.D. in “Genetic and Biomolecular Science” (University of Pavia) under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Torroni. Dissertation title: "Mitochondrial DNA: a female perspective in human evolution". During my Ph.D. I was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship for "Early-Stage Training in Advanced Genetic Analysis" programme at the University of Leeds. Supervisor: Professor Martin Richards.

Between 2008–2009 I worked, first as a Research Assistant and then as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, at the Laboratory of Human Genetics, Department of Genetics and Microbiology, University of Pavia, under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Torroni.

In 2009 I moved to the University of Leeds, UK, as a Newton Post-Doctoral Fellow, working on the project “Origins and expansion of mitochondrial DNA haplogroup HV and the modern human settlement of West Eurasia”, under the supervision of Prof. Martin Richards, Archaeogenetics Laboratory, Institute of Integrative and Comparative Biology (IICB), University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.

In 2011, I was appointed by the University of Huddersfield as a Senior Research Fellow in Archaeogenetics.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities

Research Expertise and Interests

  • Archaeogenetics
  • Genetics
  • ancient DNA
  • Mitochondrial DNA
  • Phylogeography
  • Population genetics
  • Human population history
  • Human Evolution
  • Mitochondrial diseases


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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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  • Ancient DNA at the edge of the world: Continental immigration and the persistence of Neolithic male lineages in Bronze Age Orkney

    Scottish Genomes Partnership, Dulias, K., Foody, M. G. B., Justeau, P., Silva, M., Martiniano, R., Oteo-García, G., Fichera, A., Rodrigues, S., Gandini, F., Meynert, A., Donnelly, K., Aitman, T. J., Chamberlain, A., Lelong, O., Kozikowski, G., Powlesland, D., Waddington, C., Mattiangeli, V., Bradley, D. G., & 8 othersBryk, J., Soares, P., Wilson, J. F., Wilson, G., Moore, H., Pala, M., Edwards, C. J. & Richards, M. B., 22 Feb 2022, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119, 8, 10 p., e2108001119.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    14 Citations (Scopus)
  • Helena’s Many Daughters: More Mitogenome Diversity behind the Most Common West Eurasian mtDNA Control Region Haplotype in an Extended Italian Population Sample

    Bodner, M., Amory, C., Olivieri, A., Gandini, F., Cardinali, I., Lancioni, H., Huber, G., Xavier, C., Pala, M., Fichera, A., Schnaller, L., Gysi, M., Sarno, S., Pettener, D., Luiselli, D., Richards, M. B., Semino, O., Achilli, A., Torroni, A. & Parson, W., 16 Jun 2022, In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23, 12, 16 p., 6725.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Citations (Scopus)
  • Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age

    Patterson, N., Isakov, M., Booth, T., Büster, L., Fischer, C. E., Olalde, I., Ringbauer, H., Akbari, A., Cheronet, O., Bleasdale, M., Adamski, N., Altena, E., Bernardos, R., Brace, S., Broomandkhoshbacht, N., Callan, K., Candilio, F., Culleton, B., Curtis, E., Demetz, L., & 203 othersCarlson, K. S. D., Edwards, C. J., Fernandes, D. M., Foody, M. G. B., Freilich, S., Goodchild, H., Kearns, A., Lawson, A. M., Lazaridis, I., Mah, M., Mallick, S., Mandl, K., Micco, A., Michel, M., Morante, G. B., Oppenheimer, J., Özdoğan, K. T., Qiu, L., Schattke, C., Stewardson, K., Workman, J. N., Zalzala, F., Zhang, Z., Agustí, B., Allen, T., Almássy, K., Amkreutz, L., Ash, A., Baillif-Ducros, C., Barclay, A., Bartosiewicz, L., Baxter, K., Bernert, Z., Blažek, J., Bodružić, M., Boissinot, P., Bonsall, C., Bradley, P., Brittain, M., Brookes, A., Brown, F., Brown, L., Brunning, R., Budd, C., Burmaz, J., Canet, S., Carnicero-Cáceres, S., Čaušević-Bully, M., Chamberlain, A., Chauvin, S., Clough, S., Čondić, N., Coppa, A., Craig, O., Črešnar, M., Cummings, V., Czifra, S., Danielisová, A., Daniels, R., Davies, A., de Jersey, P., Deacon, J., Deminger, C., Ditchfield, P. W., Dizdar, M., Dobeš, M., Dobisíková, M., Domboróczki, L., Drinkall, G., Đukić, A., Ernée, M., Evans, C., Evans, J., Fernández-Götz, M., Filipović, S., Fitzpatrick, A., Fokkens, H., Fowler, C., Fox, A., Gallina, Z., Gamble, M., González Morales, M. R., González-Rabanal, B., Green, A., Gyenesei, K., Habermehl, D., Hajdu, T., Hamilton, D., Harris, J., Hayden, C., Hendriks, J., Hernu, B., Hey, G., Horňák, M., Ilon, G., Istvánovits, E., Jones, A. M., Kavur, M. B., Kazek, K., Kenyon, R. A., Khreisheh, A., Kiss, V., Kleijne, J., Knight, M., Kootker, L. M., Kovács, P. F., Kozubová, A., Kulcsár, G., Kulcsár, V., Le Pennec, C., Legge, M., Leivers, M., Loe, L., López-Costas, O., Lord, T., Los, D., Lyall, J., Marín-Arroyo, A. B., Mason, P., Matošević, D., Maxted, A., McIntyre, L., McKinley, J., McSweeney, K., Meijlink, B., Mende, B. G., Menđušić, M., Metlička, M., Meyer, S., Mihovilić, K., Milasinovic, L., Minnitt, S., Moore, J., Morley, G., Mullan, G., Musilová, M., Neil, B., Nicholls, R., Novak, M., Pala, M., Papworth, M., Paresys, C., Patten, R., Perkić, D., Pesti, K., Petit, A., Petriščáková, K., Pichon, C., Pickard, C., Pilling, Z., Price, T. D., Radović, S., Redfern, R., Resutík, B., Rhodes, D. T., Richards, M. B., Roberts, A., Roefstra, J., Sankot, P., Šefčáková, A., Sheridan, A., Skae, S., Šmolíková, M., Somogyi, K., Somogyvári, Á., Stephens, M., Szabó, G., Szécsényi-Nagy, A., Szeniczey, T., Tabor, J., Tankó, K., Maria, C. T., Terry, R., Teržan, B., Teschler-Nicola, M., Torres-Martínez, J. F., Trapp, J., Turle, R., Ujvári, F., van der Heiden, M., Veleminsky, P., Veselka, B., Vytlačil, Z., Waddington, C., Ware, P., Wilkinson, P., Wilson, L., Wiseman, R., Young, E., Zaninović, J., Žitňan, A., Lalueza-Fox, C., de Knijff, P., Barnes, I., Halkon, P., Thomas, M. G., Kennett, D. J., Cunliffe, B., Lillie, M., Rohland, N., Pinhasi, R., Armit, I. & Reich, D., 27 Jan 2022, In: Nature. 601, 7894, p. 588-594 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    88 Citations (Scopus)
  • Migration and community in Bronze Age Orkney: Innovation and continuity at the Links of Noltland

    Moore, H., Wilson, G., Ni Challanain, M., McCormick, M., Marshall, P. D., Dulias, K., Foody, M. G. B., Justeau, P., Pala, M., Richards, M. B. & Edwards, C. J., 1 Jun 2022, In: Antiquity. 96, 387, p. 541-559 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • The Anglo-Saxon migration and the formation of the early English gene pool

    Gretzinger, J., Sayer, D., Justeau, P., Altena, E., Pala, M., Dulias, K., Edwards, C., Jodoin, S., Lacher, L., Sabin, S., Vågene, Å. J., Haak, W., Ebenesersdóttir, S. S., Moore, K. H. S., Radzeviciute, R., Schmidt, K., Brace, S., Bager, M. A., Patterson, N., Papac, L., & 60 othersBroomandkhoshbacht, N., Callan, K., Harney, E., Iliev, L., Lawson, A. M., Michel, M., Stewardson, K., Zalzala, F., Rohland, N., Kappelhoff-Beckmann, S., Both, F., Winger, D., Neumann, D., Saalow, L., Krabath, S., Beckett, S., Van Twest, M., Faulkner, N., Read, C., Barton, T., Caruth, J., Hines, J., Krause-Kyora, B., Warnke, U., Schuenemann, V. J., Barnes, I., Dahlström, H., Clausen, J. J., Richardson, A., Popescu, E., Dodwell, N., Ladd, S., Phillips, T., Mortimer, R., Sayer, F., Swales, D., Stewart, A., Powlesland, D., Kenyon, R. A., Ladle, L., Peek, C., Grefen-Peters, S., Ponce, P., Daniels, R., Spall, C., Woolcock, J., Jones, A. M., Roberts, A., Symmons, R., Rawden, A. C., Cooper, A., Bos, K. I., Booth, T., Schroeder, H., Thomas, M. G., Helgason, A., Richards, M., Reich, D., Krause, J. & Schiffels, S., 6 Oct 2022, In: Nature. 610, 7930, p. 112-119 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    38 Citations (Scopus)