6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Stephen Hibbert with the persons below:
Anna Powell
- Department of Design and Architecture - Senior Lecturer in Art and Design
- School of Arts and Humanities
- Centre for Cultural Ecologies in Art, Design and Architecture - Member
- None in Three Centre for the Global Prevention of Gender-based Violence
Person: Academic
Rupert Ward
- Department of Computer Science - Professor of Learning Innovation (Associate Dean - International)
- Centre for Planning, Autonomy and Representation of Knowledge
- Centre for Sustainable Computing - Member
- Centre for Autonomous and Intelligent Systems - Member
Person: Academic
Kat Simpson
- Department of Education - Senior Lecturer in Education
- School of Business, Education and Law
- Huddersfield Centre for Research in Education and Society (HudCRES)
Person: Academic
Samira Awwal
- Department of Engineering - Research Assistant - Smart House
- School of Computing and Engineering
- Innovative Design Lab Research Centre - Member
- School of Arts and Humanities
Person: Academic, Doctor of Philosophy
Jenna Collins
- School of Arts and Humanities
- Centre for Cultural Ecologies in Art, Design and Architecture - Member
- Centre for Experimental Practices (CXP)
- Department of Media, Humanities and the Arts - Lecturer in Contemporary Art
Person: Academic
Chamindi Malalgoda
- Department of Design and Architecture - Senior Lecturer
- School of Arts and Humanities
- Global Disaster Resilience Centre
Person: Academic