Project Details


Coffee has its genetic hearth in the south west highlands of Ethiopia. This is where Arabica coffee originated and was first domesticated. The forests with this globally important wild coffee genetic resource are under threat from deforestation and enhancement planting of high yielding coffee varieties.

Government resources were, and are, limited and the traditional approach to
in situ conservation, based on a protectionist view (zonation and control of the
activities of the local communities) does not have a good record. In particular,
excluding communities from forests to “protect” the genetic resources has often
had negative results.

The project is testing a different approach to in situ conservation of wild
coffee by exploring the potential of Participatory Forest Management (PFM). In this approach the local people are seen as part of the solution, not part of the problem .Rather than protecting the forest from the people, as has happened in the past, local people are empowered to sustainably manage the forest.
Short title Waterloo contribution
Effective start/end date1/06/1631/05/19


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