ESRC Festival of Social Science 2017 - Supporting LGBT Young People: Exploring Approaches

  • Woodiwiss, Jo (PI)

Project: Research

Project Details


This seminar and discussion event form part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science and will explore LGBT young people and the kinds of support they might need.
We will draw on a number of social science research projects exploring the support needs of LGBT young people from the perspectives of practitioners and young people themselves. Previous studies, for example, suggest that some methods of supporting young LGBT people as 'pathologising' and/or apportioning 'blame'. Presenting social science research within an informal environment will help to generate thought and discussion between all those with an interest in this area, with a view to informing future practice.

The event is designed to facilitate discussions between academics and practitioners in a supportive environment and there will be opportunities for questions and discussions.
Effective start/end date1/11/1730/11/17


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