Mapping the provision of NEET early interventions in England

  • Russell, Lisa (PI)
  • Thompson, Ronald (CoPI)
  • Davey, Katherine (CoI)
  • Bishop, Jo (CoI)

Project: Research

Project Details


This longitudinal research project is funded by The Leverhulme Trust (RPA-2021-144). It aims to improve understanding of early intervention programmes for young people aged 14-16 considered vulnerable to becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training). It extends the limited evidence-base on the nature and impact of early interventions, providing knowledge of educational processes, the subjective experiences of participants, and short-term and longer-term outcomes.

The research involves three phases over 52 months. First it will map and classify early intervention provision across Local Authorities (LAs) in England. Secondly it will explore in-depth six ethnographic sites involving students participating in early intervention programmes as they progress from Year 10 into Year 11. And thirdly, the longitudinal aspect of the research will continue with these young people as they progress into further education, employment or training, providing the basis for understanding the consequences of young people's engagement with early interventions.
Short titleNEET Early Intervention
Effective start/end date22/09/2116/05/26


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