None in Three (Caribbean Project)

  • Jones, Adele (PI)
  • Ma, Eunice (CoI)
  • Trotman Jemmott, Ena (CoI)
  • Da Breo, Hazel (CoI)
  • Gibbs, Graham (CoI)
  • Boduszek, Daniel (CoI)
  • Debowska, Agata (PI)
  • Tannis, Denise (CoI)
  • Rose, Lee Ryan (CoI)
  • Joseph, Debra (CoI)
  • Kirkman, Gillian (PI)
  • Buckmire, Tyrone (CoI)
  • Smith, David (CoI)

Project: Research

Project Details


'None in Three – which takes its name from figures showing that one in three women and girls experience violence in their lives – originated as a multi-faceted research project focused on the issue of domestic violence in the Caribbean. This two-year, EU-funded project included development of a prosocial computer game, 'JESSE', addressing the topic of domestic violence, culturally appropriate for young people in the Caribbean. The game was piloted in schools in Grenada and Barbados. A randomised controlled trial in Barbados demonstrated the game's effectiveness in positively influencing young people's empathy levels and conflict resolution skills. It was subsequently adopted by a third Caribbean country, St Lucia, where the Ministry of Education expressed its intention to roll it out to all schools across the island.'
Effective start/end date1/03/1628/02/18


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