100% Employment Opportunities for Northern Ireland Care Leavers

Robin Simmons, Ronald Thompson

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


A report on improving the labour market prospects of care leavers. This research has been commissioned as part of the Aiming Higher project. To further build on the work of Aiming Higher, and indeed the work of other Northern Ireland-based projects and initiatives to support care leavers, Business in the Community and Include Youth were keen to explore the feasibility of offering 100% employment opportunities to care leavers here.
This is set in the context that, in Northern Ireland, we have relatively small numbers in question. The research digs deeper into the extent of additional barriers care leavers face, the lack of a ‘level playing’ field, the positive outcomes achieved to date and the high economic and social cost of care leavers becoming and remaining ‘Not in Education, Training or Employment’ (NEET).
Original languageUndefined
Place of PublicationBelfast
Commissioning bodyBig Lottery Fund
Publication statusPublished - 2016

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