Adaptive Datum Points Location Optimization Method for Flexible Workpieces based on Centroid Characteristics

Jia Luo, Yanlong Cao, Fan Liu, Junnan Zhi, Jiangxin Yang, Tukun Li, Hongsheng Fu

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


This paper proposes a method for adapting the layout of flexible workpieces of various shapes, in order to reduce the difficulty of location design for personalized shapes. Different from the previous location design that relied on the experiences of engineers, this method establishes an optimization model that determines the number of datum points and the optimal solution based on the centroid characteristics of the workpieces. The optimization index of this model is to control the minimum deformation of the overall flexible workpieces and the minimum variance of the deformation at the maximum deformation point. Taking the characteristics of the workpieces as a priori constraints for location determination, this model obtains the optimal solution combined with finite element analysis. Finally, the effectiveness of the method is verified through a numerical example.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)61-66
Number of pages6
JournalProcedia CIRP
Early online date30 Oct 2024
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2024
Event18th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing - Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Duration: 26 Jun 202428 Jun 2024

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