Andragogy in blended learning contexts: effective tutoring of adult learners studying part-time, vocationally relevant degrees at a distance

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22 Citations (Scopus)


The article proposes a new way of analysing and understanding blended learning and contributes to current debates about adult learner motivations for study. It argues that, whilst the validity of the Andragogical Model has been criticised, it has provided a useful framework of analysis in the context of blended learning to meet the needs of adult learners studying part-time, vocationally relevant degrees at a distance. A mixed methods approach was adopted to conduct a detailed exploration of eight tutors’ practice. The article argues that the predominant approaches to teaching and assessment adopted by tutors were mainly congruent with the Andragogical Model’s core principles, which was in part due to the structured, assessment driven learning environment, but particularly the type of problem and case-based assessments undertaken by learners on the courses investigated. The Andragogical Model offered an analytical lens that was valuable as it provided a number of actions appearing to influence learner perceptions of quality, which can support practice for tutors and HE institutions in similar contexts. Further, this analysis highlighted the importance to tutors of providing extrinsic motivators and suggests an addition to the Andragogical Model to accommodate this.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)255-272
Number of pages18
JournalInternational Journal of Lifelong Education
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 4 Mar 2018


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