Aunqe la Gealach: for voices and vibraphone

Maria Sappho (Composer)

Research output: Non-textual formComposition


Aunque la Gaelach – even if the moon
A song for voice and vibraphone. The lyrics are written in both Spanish and Irish, in honour of the beautifully entangled history of the Puerto-Rican Irish. The story of island people. Island ownership. Dualities in diaspora.
The lyrics come from the treasured poem ‘Boricua en la luna’, Juan Antonio Corretjer – migration and the passing seeds of culture, home and belonging –
‘yo seria borincano aunque naciera en la luna’ – ‘I would be Puerto Rican even if I was born on the moon’.

commissioned by the Bahue Duo, was published in the Latinx Miniatures Anthology, 2024
Original languageEnglish
PublisherLatinx Composers Miniature Challenge
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2024

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