Being Time: Case Studies in Musical Temporality

Richard Glover, Bryn Harrison, Jennie Gottschalk

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Being Time invites a deep consideration of the personal experience of temporality in music, focusing on the perceptual role of the listener. Through individual case studies, this book centers on musical works that deal with time in radical ways. These include pieces by Morton Feldman, James Saunders, Chiyoko Szlavnics, Ryoji Ikeda, Toshiya Tsunoda, Laurie Spiegel and André O. Möller. Multiple perspectives are explored through a series of encounters, initially between an individual and a work, and subsequently with each author's varying experiences of temporality. The authors compare their responses to features such as repetition, speed, duration and scale from a perceptual standpoint, drawing in reflections on aspects such as musical memory and anticipation. The observations made in this book are accessible and relevant to readers who are interested in exploring issues of temporality from a broad range of disciplinary perspectives.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherBloomsbury Academic
Number of pages200
ISBN (Electronic)9781628927016, 9781628922721
ISBN (Print)9781623568955, 9781623564940
Publication statusPublished - 27 Dec 2018


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