Blind deconvolution assisted with periodicity detection techniques and its application to bearing fault feature enhancement

Bingyan Chen, Weihua Zhang, Dongli Song, Yao Cheng

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Maximum correlated kurtosis deconvolution (MCKD), multipoint optimal minimum entropy deconvolution adjusted (MOMEDA) and maximum second-order cyclostationarity blind deconvolution (CYCBD) have remarkable performances in extracting periodic impulses. However, these deconvolution methods highly rely on the prior period of measured signal and can only enhance the specific periodic impulses. Aiming at these limitations, six kinds of periodicity detection techniques (PDTs) are introduced to adaptively identify the period of repetitive impulses. Further, PDTs-assisted MCKD, MOMEDA and CYCBD are proposed for bearing fault feature enhancement. The improved deconvolution methods have two characteristics: first, the fault period is automatically identified by PDTs according to the characteristics of the measured signal; second, the impulses of different faults can be enhanced adaptively. The analysis results of simulated and experimental datasets demonstrated the better capability of the proposed methods in enhancing bearing fault features with respect to original deconvolution methods and the fast kurtogram method.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107804
Number of pages21
JournalMeasurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation
Early online date9 Apr 2020
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2020
Externally publishedYes

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