Ces enigmes lumineuses

Pierre Alexandre Tremblay (Composer)

Research output: Non-textual formComposition


Commissioned by Miso Music Portugal duration: 13' Ces enigmes lumineuses was realized in 2010 at the studio of Miso Music Portugal in Lisbon (Portugal) and premiered on September 23, 2010 during the Música Viva festival at the Instituto Franco-Português in Lisbon (Portugal). The piece was commissioned by Miso Music Portugal. Thanks to the whole team of Miso Music Portugal: Paula de Castro Guimarães, Violeta Barradas, Marta Catana, Miguel Azguime, Pedro Ferreira, and Jose Grossinho. This version was mastered in June 2011 by Dominique Bassal in Montreal.
Original languageUndefined
Publisherempreintes DIGITALes
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2010

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