Child Sexual Abuse: Responding to the Experiences of Children

Nigel Parton (Editor), Corrine Wattam (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


This important volume explores children s needs in the context of the policy, practice, legal and organisational responses to child sexual abuse. The chapters, written by distinguished experts in the field, provide a critical appraisal of recent developments and key debates concerning how to respond to child sexual abuse. The emphasis is on keeping the child central in responding to child sexual abuse, particularly in the context of refocusing children's services . The book is organised around a series of themes identified by survivors of sexual abuse from the National Commission into the Prevention of Child Abuse. These themes include justice mediation advocacy confidentiality communication treatment healing & surviving family support community perpetrators institutional abuse. All of these areas provide major challenges to professionals and health, welfare and legal agencies. The authors provide practitioners with suggestions on how to meet children's needs whilst satisfying policy and procedures. This timely volume * provides a child-focused exploration of children's needs * tackles key sources of conflict in practice * makes recommendations to practitioners for practice and policy development The book includes discussion on how far the legislative framework meets the criteria for child victims/survivors of sexual abuse and survival and healing strategies from the survivor as expert point of view. It also addresses issues concerned with interviewing children arising from the Memorandum of Good Practice. Child Sexual Abuse: Responding to the Experiences of Children is an essential resource for social work practitioners, managers and trainers,health visitors,solicitors and lawyers involved in legal work with children, police officers, teachers and all those on related courses.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages256
ISBN (Print)9780471983347
Publication statusPublished - Aug 1999

Publication series

NameWiley Child Protection & Policy Series


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