Chthonopolis - Royal Academy Summer Show

Nic Clear, Hyun Jun Park (Designer)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


The Chthonopolis
The Chthonopolis is an architectural project for a subterranean post-singularity city. It is built in an artificial crater 1km wide at the
top and 1km deep and is home to around three million people.
Located at the centre of an island it is a city of layers actual, virtual and augmented. The physical form of the city is a vast bricollage of
spaces and programmes that are stacked and intermingle with each other.
The spaces of the Chthonopolis were created for the purpose of allowing access to a labyrinthine network of underground ‘dream
spaces’ that form a mixed reality world where practising the space of the city is part puzzle and part extreme sport.
The function of the Chthonopolis and its labyrinths is to produce a vast non-linear emergent network, utilising the infinite operations
of countless individuals, providing random instances that create a myriad of possibilities and in doing this providing the best of all
possible worlds.
The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition is one of the largest open submission, each year it is curated by a leading Royal Academician,
in 2015 the Architecture Room was curated by Piers Gough. Selection is achieved through a two-stage process, the first is by an
electronic submission the second is through a physical process.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherRoyal Acacdemy of Arts
EditionSummer Show 2018
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jun 2018


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