Community Building Strategies of Independent Co-operative Food Retailers

Morven McEachern, Gary Warnaby

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Academic literature on food retailing has tended to focus on the larger retail multiples, with less attention paid to the small independent retailer. This chapter provides a unique insight into urban independent co-operative food retailers and the complex links they reveal between community, place and social relations. Through a contrasting case-type approach, we extend the concept of community retailing from a sole focus of the local immediate community, to include also a community of values and a supply chain community, thus suggesting a much broader, more diffuse spatiality and ethicality beyond that of the immediate locale.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCase Studies in Food Retailing and Distribution
Subtitle of host publicationA Volume in the Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing Series
EditorsJohn Byrom, Dominic Medway
PublisherWoodhead Publishing
Number of pages12
ISBN (Electronic)9780081020388
ISBN (Print)9780081020371
Publication statusPublished - 9 Nov 2018


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