Comparison of Longley-Rice, ITM and ITWOM propagation models for DTV and FM broadcasting

Stylianos Kasampalis, Pavlos I. Lazaridis, Zaharias D. Zaharis, Aristotelis Bizopoulos, Spiridon Zetlas, John Cosmas

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

20 Citations (Scopus)


With the rapid deployment of digital TV, there is an increasing need for accurate point-to-area prediction tools. There is a great deal of propagation models for coverage prediction of DTV. Some of them are pure empirical models, and others are mixed, empirical-analytical models, based on measurement campaigns and electromagnetic theory. The aim of this paper is to compare accurate measurements taken by a Rohde & Schwarz FSH-3 portable spectrum analyzer and precision antennas (biconical and log-periodic), with simulation results derived from coverage prediction models, like the NTIA-ITS Longley-Rice model, the ITM (Irregular Terrain Model) using the 3-arc-second SRTM (Satellite Radar Topography Mission) data that is available freely, and the newer ITWOM (Irregular Terrain with Obstructions Model) model which combines equations from ITU-R P.1546 model with Beer's law and Snell's law. Furthermore, measurements for analog FM broadcasting are compared to predictions from the above mentioned models.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6618611
JournalInternational Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes
Event16th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications: Co-Located with Global Wireless Summit - Atlantic City, United States
Duration: 24 Jun 201327 Jun 2013
Conference number: 16


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