Container I

Stergia Baraklianou

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Artists Book handmade.

Container I was made to accompany the photograph "Shell: Lotte's piece" as part of the Grand Art Project III show in November 2015 in Leeds.

Lotte is a fictional character, partly based on a theatrical character from Big and Small, a play by Botho Strauss. She hears things and likes to interact with objects around her, by touching them.

Shell : hear that ? Is about Lotte and her objects and how she makes sense of the world through hearing, touching. A singular photograph, a monologue and a female fictional character. All based around the object.

Paperback, on materica clay paper , 9 pages , 21x21cm

isbn 978-0-9934508-0-8

Photograph: Shell

Poem: Lotte and the big ear

edition of 60, November 2015

This artists book is now held at the prestigious Paul D. Fleck Library and Archive of Artists Books, at the Banff Arts Centre, Alberta, Canada
Original languageEnglish
PublisherStella Baraklianou
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)9780993450808
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2015


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