Container II

Stergia Baraklianou

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Container II, self-published artists book.

The book was made on the occasion of the artists residency at the Banff Arts Centre, in Alberta Canada.

Container II is a performative piece, it worked in conjunction with the photographic installation "Stage Set: Cool Tone" . (photographic floor installation, Reclaimed wood, frames, 130x145cm, 2016)
The photographic installation was also part of the artists residency titled "New Materiality" at the Banff Arts Centre.

Limited Edition, Artists book

Paperback, on materica clay paper , 8 pages , 21x21cm

isbn 978-0-9934508-1-5

Photograph: Vase

Poem: Oleanna Three Times

edition of 60, February 2016

Made at Banff Arts Centre, Canada

This artists book is now held at the prestigious Paul D. Fleck Library and Archive of Artists Books, at the Banff Arts Centre, Alberta, Canada
Original languageEnglish
PublisherStella Baraklianou
Number of pages4
ISBN (Print)9780993450815
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2016


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