Cultures of Place: (Re)Imagining Huddersfield’s Narratives through Culture-Led Regeneration Projects

Danilo Di Mascio (Curator), Claire Diggle (Curator), Helen Darnell (Curator)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


“(Re)Imagining Huddersfield’s Narratives through Culture-Led Regeneration Projects” is a collaborative project constituted by a series of activities to generate and disseminate ideas and design proposals developed during research and teaching activities (in Architecture and Interior Design), and formulate further reflections that could inform future developments. The exhibition, set up in Queensgate Market (Huddersfield, UK), showcased a selection of projects by BA Architecture first-year students and BA Interior Design second year students. Since 2017, BA Architecture first-year students are exploring design projects connected by the common thread of art and culture in and around Huddersfield. Some of the projects include: a visitor centre, a bookshop, a museum, pavilions and pods. All are culture-led regeneration projects. The selection of the sites has always been informed by the direct exploration of buildings and places in and around the town. BA Interior Design second-year students have designed small-scale experiential interventions which respond to and communicate information about specific elements of the context, heritage and communities within the town of Huddersfield.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputInstallation
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jun 2022
EventCultures of Place - Queensgate Indoor Market, Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Duration: 24 Jun 20224 Jul 2022


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