Degassing of Dough Pieces During Sheeting

Susanna S.J. Leong, Grant M. Campbell

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


The change in the density distribution within dough pieces as a result of sheeting was investigated. Doughs were prepared from both weak and strong flours to different gas contents and sheeted between counter-rotating rolls set at different roll gaps. The density profile across the resulting oval of dough was measured, both for unyeasted doughs mixed at atmospheric pressure and at 1 bar positive pressure and allowed to rest for 10 minutes, and for yeasted doughs mixed at atmospheric pressure and sheeted immediately ex-mixer. For the unyeasted doughs the average gas content decreased following sheeting. The decrease was not uniform across the sheeted dough piece, but was least in the middle and greatest at the front edge and at the sides. The extent of degassing of the trailing edge of the dough piece depended strongly on sheeting conditions and on the initial gas content. At low roll gaps or high initial gas contents the trailing edge degassed very little, and in some cases the gas content of the trailing edge actually increased. Similar trends were seen for the yeasted doughs. The results demonstrate that sheeting causes degassing of doughs and also causes a redistribution of gas, such that the resulting gas content is not uniform across the sheeted dough piece.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBubbles in Food 2
Subtitle of host publicationNovelty, Health and Luxury
EditorsGrant M. Campbell, Martin G. Scanlon, D. Leo Pyle
Place of PublicationSt Paul's, U.S.A
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9780128104590
ISBN (Print)9781891127595
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameAmerican Association of Cereal Chemists International


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