Dying at home: a qualitative study of family carers’ views of support provided by GPs community staff

David Seamark, Susan Blake, Sarah G. Brearley, Christine Milligan, Carol Thomas, Mary Turner, Xu Wang, Sheila Payne

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

43 Citations (Scopus)


Background Dying at home is the preference of many patients with life-limiting illness. This is often not achieved and a key factor is the availability of willing and able family carers.

Aim To elicit family carers' views about the community support that made death at home possible.

Design and setting Qualitative study in East Devon, North Lancashire, and Cumbria.

Method Participants were bereaved family carers who had provided care at the end of life for patients dying at home. Semi-structured interviews were conducted 6-24 months after the death.

Results Fifty-nine bereaved family carers were interviewed (54% response rate; 69% female). Two-thirds of the patients died from cancer with median time of home care being 5 months and for non-cancer patients the median time for home care was 30 months. An overarching theme was of continuity of care that divided into personal, organisational, and informational continuity. Large numbers and changes in care staff diluted personal continuity and failure of the GPs to visit was viewed negatively. Family carers had low expectations of informational continuity, finding information often did not transfer between secondary and primary care and other care agencies. Organisational continuity when present provided comfort and reassurance, and a sense of control.

Conclusion The requirement for continuity in delivering complex end-of-life care has long been acknowledged. Family carers in this study suggested that minimising the number of carers involved in care, increasing or ensuring personal continuity, and maximising the informational and organisational aspects of care could lead to a more positive experience.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e796-e803
Number of pages8
JournalBritish Journal of General Practice
Issue number629
Early online date1 Dec 2014
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2014
Externally publishedYes


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