Dynamic responses of locomotive axle box bearings under varying operating conditions

Yukun Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Shuqi Song, Paul Allen, Ruichen Wang, Weihua Zhang

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Axle box bearings (ABBs) are a vital component of a railway locomotive, ensuring their reliable performance requires an in-depth understanding of their dynamic behaviour. This work theoretically derives a locomotive–track longitudinal–vertical coupled dynamics model that takes detailed dynamics of the ABBs into account. The model considers a number of complex interactions, such as non-linear contact and friction forces within the ABB, wheel–rail interactions, and track irregularities. The motions of ABB are coupled with the wheelset and bogie frame, allowing detailed investigation of the ABB dynamic behaviour during operation. The correctness of the proposed model is verified in both the time and frequency domains by comparing with field test. The dynamic characteristics of ABBs under varying operating conditions were comprehensively investigated. The results demonstrate that track irregularities have a non-negligible influence on the dynamic forces of the locomotive ABB. Furthermore, the axle load transfer occurs during loading conditions, which leads to significant differences in vertical and longitudinal dynamic interactions within the ABBs across wheelsets. It is clear that the operating conditions of the locomotive should be suitably considered in the dynamic assessment, operation, and maintenance of ABBs.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
JournalJVC/Journal of Vibration and Control
Early online date30 Sep 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 30 Sep 2024

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