Embedding Responsible Management Education: Staff, Student and Institutional Perspectives

Eshani Beddewela, Charlotte Warin, Fiona Hesselden, Alexandra Coslet

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

58 Citations (Scopus)


There is a resurgence in responsible management education, with business schools' considering its adoption as vital for business courses. Nevertheless, initiating institution-wide changes for responsible management education is an inherently complex activity in business schools, requiring not only revisions in their curriculum, but also sustained faculty and institutional support. This paper explores this complexity in one UK business school, a signatory to the Principles of Responsible Management Education, who have commenced a programme of change in RME. Based on primary data obtained from two workshops with the business schools' faculty, a student survey and a systematic analysis of the curriculum of four undergraduate degrees and two post-graduate degrees, we find that misalignment between faculty skills and institutional bureaucracy, together with an inconsistent focus on responsible management across the curriculum raises key challenges for its adoption. We extend the premise that significant change in RME, requires fundamental changes of a business school's own ethos of what responsibility means to itself.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)263-279
Number of pages17
JournalInternational Journal of Management Education
Issue number2B
Early online date15 Jun 2017
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2017


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