Flights of Fancy

John Bryan (Performer), Ibi Aziz (Performer), Alison Crum (Performer), Andrew Kerr (Performer), Roy Marks (Performer), Peter Wendland (Performer)

Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


Lunchtime concert programme at Barber Concert Hall, tracing the contrapuntal art of English composers for viol consort in Tudor and Stuart England. The Rose Consort, performs a selection of five-part fantasias, In nomines, and dance music from Tudor and Stuart England, including music by William Byrd, Antony Holborne, John Ward and Alfonso Ferrabosco II.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 6 Feb 2015
EventFlights of Fancy - University of Birmingham , Birmingham, United Kingdom
Duration: 6 Feb 20156 Feb 2015


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