Flue Gas Recirculation During Poultry Litter Combustion in a Fixed Bed Lab-Scale Batch Reactor

G. Katsaros, P. Sommersacher, S. Retschitzegger, N. Kienzl, D. S. Pandey

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


This study focuses on the combustion behaviour of poultry litter which was experimentally studied in a fixed bed lab-scale reactor. The combustion experiments not only provided useful insights pertaining to the thermal decomposition of poultry litter over time, release of main gaseous compounds and nitrogen (N) species, but also the release of elements found initially in the ash composition. The main gaseous species were released during the devolatilisation phase, whereas Ammonia (NH3) was found to be the most abundant compound of N-gaseous species (45%) followed by nitrogen oxide (NO) with a fraction of ~10%. Alkali metals showed moderate release rates, whilst Chlorine (Cl) was observed to have the highest one (90%) of the ash forming elements, depicting the high volatility of the specific compound.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 29th European Biomass Conference
Subtitle of host publicationSetting the course for a biobased economy
EditorsN. Scarlat, A. Grassi
Publisher ETA-Florence Renewable Energies
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)9788889407219
Publication statusPublished - 26 Apr 2021
Event29th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition - Virtual, Online
Duration: 26 Apr 202129 Apr 2021
Conference number: 29

Publication series

NameEuropean Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings
Publisher European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE)
ISSN (Print)2282-5819


Conference29th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
Abbreviated titleEUBCE 2021
CityVirtual, Online


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