Freud's House: The Double

Chara Lewis (Artist), Kristin Mojsiewicz (Artist), Anneke Pettican (Artist), Spencer Roberts (Developer)

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


Freud's House forms the second chapter of on-going project Shadow Worlds | Writers' Rooms. During a period of residency, the artists inscribe themselves into the domestic space of Sigmund Freud's former London home. Using Kinect laser-sensors and Processing software to capture intimate-scaled performances throughout the rooms, staircase and hallway, Brass Art develop a visual response to the notion of the uncanny using strategies of repetition and simultaneous doublings.

Work commissioned and acquired by University of Salford’s Commission to Collect Programme. Both artwork and equipment available for loan.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputInstallation
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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