Functional and smart textiles in care, treatment, and diagnosis of COVID-19

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a great challenge with unprecedented demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) during the initial stages of the outbreak. However, it has also been a tremendous opportunity for the textile industry to innovate within the sphere of PPE as textile products formed the first line of defence against this novel coronavirus giving time to the scientists to develop a vaccine. This chapter provides an overview of the challenges presented by COVID-19 and the key constituent parts of PPE for medical personnel during this time. The construction and features of these items, in addition to the regulations governing these important items of PPE, are discussed. Additionally, the future direction of PPE, particularly with regard to single-use items and the sustainability of PPE supplies, is considered.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSmart and Functional Textiles
EditorsBapan Adak, Samrat Mukhopadhyay
Publisherde Gruyter
Number of pages30
ISBN (Electronic)9783110759747, 9783110759938
ISBN (Print)9783110759723
Publication statusPublished - 3 Apr 2023

Publication series

NameDe Gruyter STEM
PublisherDe Gruyter


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