Improving education with CD-ROM-based learning

Caroline McIntosh, Karen Ousey

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Background: Nurses and podiatrists are frequently involved in the management of complex wounds, however, despite evidence demonstrating the benefits of interprofessional working, there is often little collaboration between these professions when caring for patients with wounds. This partly stems from a lack of awareness of each other's roles as well as inconsistent educational strategies. The University of Huddersfield has started to address this issue by developing an interprofessional strand to undergraduate wound care education. Aim: To develop an IT-based learning resource to convey evidence-based concepts in wound care to pre-registration, undergraduate nursing and podiatry students. Method: A CD-ROM has been developed utilising a problem-based learning format bringing theory to life with the use of case scenarios centred on the management of common wounds. Conclusion: This initiative aims to introduce an IT resource to pre-registration nursing and podiatry students to encourage them to embrace evidence-based concepts, appreciate the importance of an interprofessional approach and be better prepared for independent practice. Conflict of interest: None.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)107-111
Number of pages5
JournalWounds UK
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2006


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