Increasing the Vertical Image Spread of Natural Sound Sources Using Band-Limited Interchannel Decorrelation

Christopher Gribben, Hyunkook Lee

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


An experiment has been conducted to assess the perceptual effect of vertical interchannel decorrelation between pairs of vertically-spaced loudspeakers. The study focuses on band-limiting the vertical decorrelation of natural sound sources in groups of octave-bands, while reproducing the unprocessed octave-bands monophonically through the main-layer loudspeaker. The upper limit of the vertical decorrelation is fixed at the 16 kHz octave-band, with the lower limit varied across eight octave-bands (centre frequencies 63 Hz to 8 kHz). A monophonic unprocessed condition was also included in a multiple comparison test alongside the eight decorrelated conditions. The results demonstrate that vertical decorrelation of the 500 Hz octave-band and above can significantly increase the vertical spread of an auditory image, similar to that of broadband decorrelation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2019 AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio
EditorsTony Tew, Duncan Williams
PublisherAudio Engineering Society
ISBN (Print)9781942220275
Publication statusPublished - 17 Mar 2019
EventAES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio - University of York, York, United Kingdom
Duration: 27 Mar 201929 Mar 2019


ConferenceAES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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