Induced seismic-site effects on the vulnerability assessment of a historical centre in the molise Region of Italy: Analysis method and real behaviour calibration based on 2002 earthquake

Nicola Chieffo, Antonio Formisano

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29 Citations (Scopus)


The present research aims to estimate the influence of site amplification on the seismic vulnerability of the historical centre of the municipality of Baranello in the Molise Region of Italy. Firstly, a structural and typological characterization of the investigated area has been done according to the EMS-98 scale. Subsequently, the vulnerability assessment of the historical buildings located there has been carried out through an appropriate survey form in order to identify the buildings which are most susceptible to seismic damage. To this purpose, the seismic event occurring in October of 2002 has been selected as a reference earthquake. Moreover, according to the AeDES form implemented by the Italian Civil Protection Department to evaluate the usability of constructions after seismic events, the calibration of the typological vulnerability curves of the built-up area has been done, and a quantitative assessment of the local seismic response has been achieved, based on the seismic motions recorded after the 2002 Molise earthquake. Finally, the local amplification factor, which negatively influences the severity of the seismic damage on the structures, has been taken into account in order to more correctly foresee the expected damage of the inspected urban sector, so as to use more appropriately the achieved results for reliable seismic risk mitigation plans.

Original languageEnglish
Article number21
Number of pages27
JournalGeosciences (Switzerland)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jan 2020
Externally publishedYes

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