Introduction of falling friction coefficients into curving calculations for studying curve squeal noise

G. Xie, P. D. Allen, S. D. Iwnicki, A. Alonso, D. J. Thompson, C. J.C. Jones, Z. Y. Huang

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26 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, a method of introducing falling friction coefficients into curving simulations for studying curve squeal noise is presented. Generation of squeal at the wheel of a railway vehicle in a curve is caused by unstable vibration, caused in turn by a lateral wheel/rail force which reduces with increasing lateral creepage. To model vehicle curve squeal, the wheel/rail tangential force in the curving simulation is calculated by a modified version of FASTSIM, which uses a sliding velocity-dependent friction characteristic. Using the falling friction characteristics, a UK passenger vehicle is modelled with SIMPACK. Curving behaviour is simulated for a range of curve radii and cant deficiencies. The wheel/rail contact properties are then obtained to study the possibility of the occurrence of squeal using a frequency-domain method. The methodology in this paper allows various curves, wheel/rail profiles, vehicle speeds and friction characteristics to be taken into account.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)261-271
Number of pages11
JournalVehicle System Dynamics
Issue numberSUPPL. 1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2006
Externally publishedYes


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