Introduction: The limits of gendered citizenship

Jeff Hearn, Elżbieta H. Oleksy, Dorota Golańska

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


The central theme of this book is gendered citizenship, and the challenges and limits that confront the gendering of citizenship. The possibilities for citizenship are severely limited by gender, but there are also limitations in considering citizenship only through the lens of gender. Thus the notion of the genderless nation-state citizen is critiqued-in both analytical and policy terms-and the complexities and contradictions of citizenship are necessarily engaged with throughout. More specifi cally, there are at least three major sets of tensions addressed, between:

academic analyses of gendered citizenship, and political, policy, and • practical interventions on gendered citizenship, along with the limitations of playing down either theory or practice; limitations on achieving gender-equal or gender-equitable citizenship, • and the limitations of a focus on citizenship solely through gender rather than an approach informed by intersectionality; and equal opportunities policy, gender equality policy, gender main-• streaming, and diversity policy, and the limitations, and advantages, of each approach. For example, in policy terms strategies of gender mainstreaming may highlight gender, at least in the short term, but these may also dilute attention to gender power relations in gendered citizenship, in the longer term.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Limits of Gendered Citizenship
Subtitle of host publicationContexts and Complexities
EditorsElżbieta H. Oleksy, Jeff Hearn, Dorota Golańska
PublisherTaylor and Francis
Number of pages24
ISBN (Electronic)9781136830006
ISBN (Print)9780415887069
Publication statusPublished - 14 Dec 2010

Publication series

NameRoutledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality


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