Ion beam analysis of fusion plasma-facing materials and components: Facilities and research challenges

M. Mayer, S. Möller, M. Rubel, A. Widdowson, S. Charisopoulos, T. Ahlgren, E. Alves, G. Apostolopoulos, N. P. Barradas, S. Donnelly, S. Fazinić, K. Heinola, O. Kakuee, H. Khodja, A. Kimura, A. Lagoyannis, M. Li, S. Markelj, M. Mudrinic, P. PeterssonI. Portnykh, D. Primetzhofer, P. Reichart, D. Ridikas, T. Silva, S. M. Gonzalez De Vicente, Y. Q. Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

64 Citations (Scopus)


Following the IAEA Technical Meeting on 'Advanced Methodologies for the Analysis of Materials in Energy Applications Using Ion Beam Accelerators', this paper reviews the current status of ion beam analysis (IBA) techniques and some aspects of ion-induced radiation damage in materials for the field of materials relevant to fusion. Available facilities, apparatus development, future research options and challenges are presented and discussed. The analysis of beryllium and radioactivity-containing samples from future experiments in JET or ITER represents not only an analytical but also a technical challenge. A comprehensive list of the facilities, their current status, and analytical capabilities comes alongside detailed descriptions of the labs. A discussion of future issues of sample handling and the current status of facilities at JET complete the technical section. To prepare the international IBA community for these challenges, the IAEA technical meeting concludes the necessity for determining new nuclear reaction cross-sections and improving the inter-laboratory comparability by defining international standards and testing these via a round-robin test.

Original languageEnglish
Article number025001
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number2
Early online date13 Dec 2019
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2020


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