ISO definition of resolution for surface topography measuring instruments

Richard Leach, Claudiu Giusca, Andrew Henning, Ben Sherlock, Jeremy Coupland

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


Current international standardisation effort in the field of areal surface texture measurement includes the development of a series of documents describing the nominal characteristics of, and calibration methods for, areal surface topography measuring instruments. Technical committee ISO/TC 213/WG 16, which is directly involved in developing such documents, identified, based on the fact that all areal surface topography measuring instruments produce 3D data sets of points [1], a set of metrological characteristics applicable to all these instruments regardless of their design or operation. Metrological characteristics are input quantities, in a measurement model, that can be measured directly [2], generally using calibrated material measures, and make an immediate contribution to the measurement uncertainty associated with the measured coordinates provided by the instrument. The set of metrological characteristics includes: measurement noise; residual flatness; amplification and linearity of the scales; squareness of the axes; and resolution. In two previous papers, methods to determine measurement noise and residual flatness [3] and amplification, linearity and squareness of the axes [4] were presented. A full paper on the determination of resolution is under review at the time of writing [5] and this work is also summarised here.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFringe 2013
Subtitle of host publication7th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Imaging and Metrology
EditorsWolfgang Osten
PublisherSpringer Berlin
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)9783642363580
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014
Externally publishedYes
Event7th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Imaging and Metrology - Institute for Technical Optice, Nurtingen, Germany
Duration: 8 Sep 201311 Sep 2013
Conference number: 7


Workshop7th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Imaging and Metrology
Abbreviated titleFringe 2013


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